Certified Divorce coach
Sandy Miller
Divorce Coaching and Mediation services to help through the entire process of divorce.
Sandy is offereing a free complimentary 30 min session
Why Hire A Divorce Coach?
About Sandy

Sandy is a Professional Life Coach, Certified Divorce Coach, and Separation and Divorce Mediator, who has acquired specific skills to assist people through divorce recovery. Sandy is an experienced Coach and strong communicator who responds to new challenges with confidence, determination, and focus. Dynamic and creative, Sandy approaches people with passion and compassion.
From Sandy’s own personal divorce, she learned the challenges and the need for assistance during these difficult times. Her own experience inspired her to train as a Divorce Coach and Separation and Divorce Mediator.
Sandy is deeply moved by people’s strength and courage to push through obstacles and overcome difficulties. She is committed to addressing all her clients’ personal needs!
Sandy was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta. She continues to provide services for Divorces and Separation to Edmonton and the surrounding area. She loves the outdoors, gardening, and entertaining.
For more information on Sandy’s journey, see My Divorce Story.
Mission and Purpose
Are you just coming to the stark realization that yes, it`s actually over? Does it feel like your life is ruined? Hopeless?
Revolutionizing Divorce provides a platform of support and guidance as you let go of what was and create what is possible during your divorce journey. Check out the Blog for extensive information and advice about all aspects of divorce and separation.
My mission is to offer you a place to resolve, reclaim, and rebuild.
Coaching Through Divorce phases
There are three phases to divorce. Pre-divorce, during, and post-divorce.
Each phase has unique challenges along with growth opportunities. Sandy has the experience and expertise to act as your divorce mentor in every phase. Whether you are just beginning the divorce process or require recovery support, she can coach you in real-time, where you feel the pain and experience the challenge. She can help break down the overwhelm to where you can manage the changes and keep moving forward and create a life you love.
This first phase of divorce is often the most turbulent of all. Emotions are running high and at times you feel you are all over the top and perhaps even going a little “crazy.” This is a time of emoting and recognizing the internal turmoil of grappling with your unfulfilled hopes and dreams, regrets and your present reality. Slowly you begin to take ownership, let go and come to…Resolve.
Yes, it’s all about you! This second phases of the divorce process you will discover, or re-discover the real you. Who are You? What are your core values? What do you stand for? This season is about self-discovery, self-awareness and self-acceptance. As you learn to manage your negative self-talk, you will be empowered to reclaim your true self!
With a healthy dose of self acceptance and self esteem, it is time to move forward and begin to create the life you want, your “new normal.” You will take what you have learned about yourself, your life lessons, and begin to step out to co-create your preferred future. You will explore your passions, address your singleness and sexuality, as well as discover your greater life’s purpose.

Divorce support group For Women
Group coaching is a fantastic way to interact with others going through divorce. Together, you will listen to divorce stories and offer each other a safe place of acceptance and healing, while you grieve, regain confidence and start anew.
The group starts October 5, 2022, costing $250/month. 10% early bird discount ends September 14, 2022.
If you would like to join the group or have any questions, contact Sandy. Sign up today, space is limited!
Other Services
Separation and Divorce Mediation
Life Coaching
Feeling unfulfilled in area’s unrelated to divorce? Sandy is a professional Life Coach and provides services to assist with areas beyond divorce. Through a series of ongoing conversations, you will gain clarity in your goals, passions, and desires. Sandy will help you problem solve through the obstacles that routinely prevent you from reaching your potential. With a life coach, you will be able to move forward with clarity and the confidence and take charge of your own life. See gemstonelifecoaching.com for more information.
Customized Divorce coaching to
achieve your goals
In addition to supporting you through the emotional turmoil of divorce, Sandy will be your divorce doula, serving as a sounding board, or a thinking partner, helping you get clarity regarding the many decisions involved in the ‘business of divorce.’ Together we can work through some of these hot topics:
- Who keeps the house?
- How to create a budget
- Living within your means
- Collaborative Law preparation
- The parenting plan
- Spousal support
- Retirement and pension
She will come along side of you as you adapt to living single again.
Certified Divorce Coaching
- Tailored coaching to your specific situation
- Assistance through the entire separation process
- Additional text/email support beyond sessions