We Have Met The Enemy…

On this eve of Halloween…I’d like to take on the Greatest Monster of all time…the enemy within!
If I only had one opportunity to pass long the anecdote that could possibly cure the disease of self-sabotage, I would leave for you these 4 simple questions! This one simple concept – expounded upon by 4 little questions, could possible save yourself…from yourself!
Here is one concept that could be the most transformational in you healing journey.  We all have it…the self defeating behavior that keeps us small, berating ourselves with ‘I cant’, ‘I shouldn’t’ have, would have could have…If only…I’m so, I’m not enough
Every person has a shadow side, a dark side, a side that pulls us back into Status Quo.  There is a part of us who doesn’t want change, who would rather shrink and hide, than face the unknown and the changes that we need to to keep moving forward.  We are like that bean we planted in Kindergarten, and watched it over time as we hid it in the dark.  It shriveled and slowly died.  Why?  It did not get light, or nourishment.  There was no sustenance, it was alone in the darkness  That is like our shadow side, alone to wallow in our own pity party. A party of 3, me myself and I…
We all have a shadow side, and at times are our worst enemy.

We can stay there, and continue to feed that monster, or we can move our little bean seed into the light, and watch it grow and transform.  How? 

By simply asking ourselves the 4 Monster questions (a short version taken from the work of Byron Katie)

1.  Are you content with who you are becoming?
2.  Are you ready to embrace transformation?
3.  Copy this  wallet size Monster Questions Check-list

  • Is it true?
  • Can you absolutely know it’s true?
  • How do you react, what happens when you believe that thought?
  • Who would you be without that thought?
If you are willing to self manage and intentionally address the enemy within asking these 4 questions each time you begin to spiral or believe that you are not good enough, you WILL slowly begin to defeat the Monster within, and rise up victorious! 

Written by Sandy Miller
gemstone Life Coaching Ltd.

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