Put On Your Pizzazz!!!

No one else can fulfill the life calling you are uniquely qualified for. If you do not do it, it will go undone, or done by someone else in a very different way.

Life is NOT a sprint, with the focus on WHO is winning, but rather a question of:

Are YOU winning?

“Am I winning?”  You ask, “Winning at what?”


I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “Life is journey, not a destination.”  The importance being, to get on the path, know where you are going, and get there before your time and resources run out!”

We’ve all been dealt a certain hand of cards, and now it’s up to us to play them.  However, before we can play effectively, and really get in the game, we must:

•know the game
•know our cards
•know ourselves,
(our strategies/strengths/passions)

First, we will look at:

“What’s in your hand?”

 I call this Pizzazz!

 Your unique and particular set of gifts, which make up YOU and your flavor..

This all falls under the unique and creative part of your True Self.  This is the innate part of you that just comes naturally, your expression of original thought and creative outlet.

I encourage you to take some time to think about the following:

 Ask yourself?

• How am I unique?

•Where am I creative?

•How am I expressive?

•What my personal style?

• What is my unique style of personality?


If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”